Hans van der Heide, artist / art teacher
As a member of the supporting association, van der Heide took part in an inauguration of the St. Michael curative education institute in Adetswil, whose new building was constructed using pneumatized concrete. He spontaneously sent us the following report:
It was my first encounter with Pneumatit. When I entered the building, I was initially amazed by the proportions of the interior: the corridors, staircase and rooms. Then I realized that it wasn’t just the proportions that impressed me. You can’t achieve the quality of consistency and harmony with proportions alone. The rooms “breathed” and enlivened the sense of well-being of their own form. Now I understood why other people had described Pneumatit concrete as “soft”. For me it was not “soft”, but I experienced a certain elasticity in my joints, an inner vitality permeated my body. I clearly attribute this experience to the Pneumatit.
July 2024, Adetswil, Switzerland
Andrea Vonlanthen, Demeter farmer
External link www.faeschtus-biohof.ch
Fäschtus’ Bio Farm comprises a lively farm in the mountainous area near Fribourg. In 2021 the Vonlanthens built two new buildings with Pneumatit®: a large cattle pen and the residential building for the farming family of six. Mrs. Vonlanthen reports.
For the new barn, we brought two herds of cows together, around a hundred cows in total. From their experience, professional colleagues predicted that we would have to lead the animals individually by halter into the barn and into the boxes. But that wasn’t the case, and on the very first evening all the animals were lying peacefully and quietly in their boxes.
The house just feels good! Visitors also say that they feel comfortable. We left the interior walls unfinished as exposed concrete. The atmosphere they create is warm and calming. They blend harmoniously with the old furniture. The whole family sleeps well in the new house, which wasn’t quite the case before.
This year we also built a biopool with pneumatized concrete. An experienced pool builder helped us with this. He recently said that he had never seen a biopool with water as clear as ours. We’re all really impressed.
June 2024, Giffers, Switzerland
Severin Matter, concierge
The Graphis housing cooperative had built a housing estate with Pneumatit in Brugg. Two years later, Pneumatit AG carried out a test on the object at the request of Graphis. The room qualities in the Graphis housing estate and in a property made of conventional concrete were compared. The Caretaker of Graphis, Severin Matter, made himself available as part of this investigation. Would he experience a difference?
I had never before realised what impression concrete makes on me. But in the car park of the Dahlienstrasse housing estate, I immediately felt a downward pressure in my head, especially on my forehead and above my eyes. It spread to my upper arms and throughout my full body. My chest felt tight and oppressed, and I had to really fight it.
Once I was aware of these impressions, I also registered them on the artificial stone driveway to the car park, which initially irritated me. – The tarmac road in front of the car park had a completely different effect. It seemed rubbery and soft to me, but in a weighted, unpleasant way. It went all the way up to my knees.
In the car park of the Graphis housing estate, made of pneumatite concrete, I didn’t experience the pressing and pulling down of normal concrete anywhere. On the contrary, I felt a lightness – and particularly strong in my spine – like a “pulling upwards”. This helped me to stretch inwardly, to straighten up, while my feet remained firmly on the ground. I felt generally free, in my own space. I was able to “be there” and breathe freely.
March 2024, Brugg, Switzerland
Stephan und Leona Ritzmann, train driver and accounting
Well informed, with great consistency, a lot of ingenuity and a great deal of personal effort, Stephan and Leona build a natural log house. Where there is concrete, there is pneumatit, which they had tested beforehand.
Whenever I can, I’ve been walking barefoot for many years. When I’m on concrete, I can always feel how it draws the warmth out of my feet. It’s the same in my workshop. I have to go somewhere warmer from time to time to regenerate. I’m also always barefoot on our building site – the house is now under construction. It’s noticeable that there’s no heat loss here, so I can stay there for a long time without any problems. And another thing: normally you can smell the typical concrete odour immediately. But that’s not the case in our building, it doesn’t smell like a building site at all.
We recently organised a tour of the construction site for customers of the Pudelwohl regional shop. One of the participants, who I didn’t know, asked me on the concrete: “You don’t have Pneumatit in there?” – “Yes,” I said, “we do.” Then she said: “I thought so, you can feel it.”
February 2024, Guntmadingen, Switzerland
Christina Chrissochou, agronomist and geobiologist
My first encounter with Pneumatit concrete was on the construction site of a feed company in Chateau-Gontier (France). The company was in the process of building a new production building, including offices, reception, sales and recreation rooms.
On entering the construction site, I first noticed that the concrete floor did not feel cold but warm, and did not cause the heaviness and fatigue that I usually feel on concrete. Then, also unusual, the cheerful faces of the workers. They were concentrating on their work and joking at the same time! I know a bit about life on a building site, as my uncle had a construction company and I often worked for him when I was young. This atmosphere was new and welcome to me.
The most impressive thing, however, was the conversation with the builder after the tour. He told us about his ideas and plans, well thought out, efficient and life-friendly, with both feet firmly on the ground and radiating confidence and creativity. I was able to recognise that Pneumatit does not “do something” per se, but ENABLES: it supports people in realising their creative power, not slowing them down. It allows the flow of energy and does not inhibit or even drain energy, as I know it from ordinary concrete.
I don’t know whether Pneumatit “brings life to concrete”. However, I have realised that it provides a good foundation, life-enhancing, warm, friendly. The product name is meaningful and well chosen!
November 2023, Isny, Germany
Paolo Lau & Mira Vödisch, Spielplatzbauer und Osteopathin
When we first heard about Pneumatit, we were both skeptical and fascinated. We wanted to experience it for ourselves. A week later, we went with Markus Sieber to a backyard on the company premises where an asphalted driveway and a concreted storage area lay before us. We had never consciously felt into a material before and tried to perceive how it affects us. So far, for example, we found wood appealing. And concrete rather unappealing, but we could still live with it without giving it much thought.
Now here we were standing on the concrete surface and within less than a minute, we could perceive a harsh emptiness. A burden that was particularly noticeable in our bones as if someone had hit them with a hammer or as if carrying a heavy stone on one’s head. We repeatedly felt the need to change our stance or shake our arms and stretch our shoulders to crack our bones. A weight was pressing us down, and beneath our feet there was an empty space. There was no connection with the ground beneath us. It also became more difficult to maintain connections with other people around us, feelings of fear and anger seemed more likely.
Asphalt had similar effects on emotional perception but affected the body differently. Standing on asphalt felt sticky and heavy, there was vibration similar to that of high-voltage lines or like when your leg falls asleep.
We kept switching between concrete and asphalt surfaces surprised at how clearly different they felt.
After this sensitization process, we went into an adjacent factory hall where the entire floor had been poured out using Pneumatit-concrete while loud machines rattled away in operation around us – yet despite all this noise around us – we instantly felt comfortable inside this hall. So much so that given a chance, we would have loved joining in the work right away and were curious about everything that was happening there. We could feel a connection again – with the people around us, with the environment and even with the ground beneath our feet. From this ground came a sense of being carried, held and strengthened, at the same time we felt lighter. The environment seemed friendly and benevolent, every last corner of this production hall felt like part of a whole. The feeling that arose towards people around us can simply be described as peace. We were moved to tears, we hadn’t expected this.
We left the hall feeling as if we had just been through a soothing massage treatment. It’s possible not to believe in Pneumatit until you’ve experienced it for yourself – then you don’t need to believe anymore because then you know it for sure! The crystalline quality that Pneumatit brings was something unknown in our lives so far, nor do we know where else such density could be found. For us, it is a new quality that creates great balance: radiating something which allows inner clarity, connectedness, strength, freedom creativity and tranquility to emerge.
We are building our house out of wood, insulating it with straw, plastering it with clay setting on concrete foundation: each material has its physical properties and capabilities. Now we see much more clearly the subtle properties, the atmosphere radiated by a material itself. Pneumatit-concrete has become a highly desirable construction material for us, bringing both structural as well as emotional benefits into our lives.
August 2023, Grossherrischwand, Deutschland
Hans-Peter Meyer, Architect, Feng Shui and geomancy master.
External link www.vitalarchitektur.com
Hans-Peter Meyer founded vital architecture. This takes into account a great diversity and depth of viewpoints for the design and assessment of materials, forms, and buildings. With the motto “Nature is ingenious, and only the ingenious is the best!” life is at the center. Meyer’s report follows the detailed inspection of a pneumatized wooden-concrete building.
The surfaces of the concreted reinforced concrete felt softer, warm and radiated positively. The typically cold, hard, pulling, draining, radiesthetically left-spinning quality of concrete is not only neutralized, but even transformed, turned into a positive: warm, recharging, soft, right-spinning. Because this concrete space is located deep underground, a heavy, pressing quality would have been expected, but it too is dissolved.
In the first floor of the wooden structure it was again particularly noticeable on the concrete floor that the usual left-spinning radiation of the concrete had been transformed into a right-spinning one. It felt warm, up to a tingling sensation in the soles of the feet – a sign that the floor emanates a supportive, recharging force. The otherwise large qualitative distance between wood and reinforced concrete has been reduced to zero here. The floor closely resembles the wood.
There were also exciting further observations with the Pneumatit® floor. In other composite buildings, the wood feels warm and supportive, but the concrete pulls down. In contrast, here the enveloping surfaces of the concrete floor, wooden walls, and wooden ceiling have fused into a unity. Also, reinforced concrete usually amplifies interfering effects that radiate from below, such as water veins or faults. However, due to the right-spinning quality of the Pneumatit® concrete, this does not occur. Whether even a neutralization happens would need to be specifically investigated.
April 2023, Rheinau, Switzerland
Dr. Roger Kalbermatten, Chemist, founder and longtime director of Ceres Heilmittel AG
External link www.ceresheilmittel.ch
Hildegard and Roger Kalbermatten have deep insights into the subtle healing effects of plants. They founded Ceres Heilmittel AG which focuses on their self-developed methods. For the construction of their own single-family house in Kesswil in 2017 they tested and used Pneumatit®️. During a house tour Dr Kalbermatten talks about his impressions.
Even the basement feels alive, pleasant, soothing, and not like being below but above ground. There is no feeling of being in a cellar at all; on the contrary: We use this floor for other purposes, but I could live here comfortably. If it were a normal concrete box, it would drag you down.
It took me a long time to realize that natural stones – not just precious stones – have life around them. Not like plants, animals and humans with metabolism, but still a radiance with life. It’s the same with Pneumatit; it has a similarly lively aura as natural stone. In certain places, especially in a narrow corridor leading to the technical rooms, the energy becomes incredibly strong. Every time I pass through here my heart opens up.
March 2023, Kesswil, Switzerland
Michael Riggenbach, Master carpenter and lecturer in wood technology at Bern University of Applied Sciences Architecture, Wood and Construction
While visiting the stable in Rheinau, it was interesting to feel a sensation of warmth from the concrete floor up to about halfway up my thighs, even though the weather was cold. And even the milking parlor – empty, damp, cold – was not uncomfortable. In the technical room of the Sativa building, located 10 meters underground, I did not have a basement feeling; instead, the room climate was pleasant and not inhospitable. In the attic of that same building, wood and concrete formed a unity here; even concrete felt pleasant like naturally grown wood. I got an impression that I could spend all day on this concrete floor without experiencing pain. Professionally speaking, I often find myself standing on concrete surfaces for hours at a time while taking measurements. Afterward, my legs usually ache for several hours.
February 2023, Bannwil, Switzerland
Annette Achilles, Technical managing director
Ms. Achilles, a civil engineer who has been working as managing director at Freie Waldorfschule in Mainauen Haßfurt over recent years coordinated their school’s new construction project from 2020 until 2022. Shortly before its completion we received this email.
Today, I would like to share with you some photos of our new building. This is simply to let you know what has become of our decision back then to use Pneumatit in a very quick action. I am very grateful for your support in the fast delivery and for establishing contact with the construction company and the concrete plant.
In the meantime, spaces have been created that radiate a great deal of harmony, warmth, and tranquility. During guided tours, I noticed that most people mention the wonderful atmosphere – they become very quiet and almost reverent when entering these rooms. An effect that I also attribute to Pneumatit because from the beginning, I felt a difference compared to “ordinary” concrete. We now hope that our students will also have these sensations when they move into the new building in January.
November 2022, Hassfurt, Germany
Karin Sprenger, Sound bowl therapist, founder of KRAFTORT rocks AG
External link www.kraftort.rocks
After the completion of the shell construction of our apartment, I felt a warm tingling sensation in my heart area after a short time, which spread throughout my entire body. It was a pleasant feeling, figuratively speaking, as if my inner child – which often has to protect and retreat in everyday life – now dared to step out. A touching feeling of happiness spread within me. I noticed how a brief pause in breathing occurred, like when you relax and slowly fall asleep and suddenly breathe deeply again because the pressure and tension subside. After spending fifteen minutes in the shell construction, I felt relaxed, similar to what I had experienced after wellness breaks. Deep gratitude fills me that we were able to bring more quality of life into our living space so easily. Thank you to everyone involved who made this possible.
October 2022, Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Alexander Thomann, Civil engineer and construction manager
As a technical sales consultant for civil engineering and construction chemical products as well as being responsible for natural gas network operations in part of Italy’s South Tyrol province for years now; Thomann has worked extensively within his field. After hearing about Pneumatit® innovation he decided to visit Rheinau himself in order to form his own opinion.
Upon encountering Pneumatit concrete, I had the unusual impression of both lightness and a simultaneous heaviness that does not burden but rather grounds. At the same time, a warming current rose from the soles of my feet up to my knees, and in the upper part of my chest (thymus gland), I experienced an expansion and opening. Overall, it was a strong and surprising sense of well-being. It was also impressive to transition from a floor made of conventional artificial stone to Pneumatit concrete. After just a few steps, I was astonished by the intense difference: On the artificial stone floor, there was a sensation of coldness, sterility, isolation, sluggishness and melancholy – while in the tractor hall with Pneumatit concrete came the described sense of well-being. In the 3rd basement level of Sativa’s new building extension, all these impressions were even more intense. It seemed to me that those who work here can energetically recover almost better than at home.
April 2022, Rheinau, Switzerland
Karin und Roland Lenz, Organic winegrowing
External link www.weingut-lenz.ch
Lenz couple and their 8 employees manage 21 hectares of land in Uesslingen TG (Switzerland), including 17.5 hectares of biodynamically cultivated vineyards: one of Switzerland’s largest and most vibrant organic wineries – with many significant national and international awards – also one of its most successful ones! Until July 2021 major extensions were made to their buildings including their cellar which now features Pneumatit® concrete for its construction material.Karin Lenz reports:
The feeling in the new rooms is very cozy, even homely. When you enter here, you are enveloped by peace and warmth. The atmosphere in the wood-concrete rooms on the upper floor is hard to beat. I would love to live here. A dowsing practitioner recently asked why we don’t move our offices here.
The first building, also a wood-concrete composite, is quite different: Unfortunately, you can feel cold rising from the concrete floor, an energy that makes you jittery and restless over time. The wood is indeed homely but does not form a unity with the concrete. In contrast, in the new building, one experiences a closed and consistently lively shell.
The wine feels exactly the same way; we can already tell now. The new cellar is invigorating; therefore certain fermentation processes are faster and aromatics more present. Unplannedly we have already moved several barrels from old to new construction.
Internal link Storage Test with Quality Wine
April 2022, Uesslingen, Switzerland
Yves Bron, Project manager / Technical infrastructure
Weleda Arlesheim consistently used Pneumatit® for an extension building in 2021. Yves Bron, project manager on behalf of the client and responsible for technical infrastructure, commented on the handling.
I was very satisfied with the collaboration. The clarifications and, in the end, the processing were very uncomplicated and goal-oriented. The products arrived on time and at the right place, even though three different companies were involved. Thank you for the good cooperation.
March 2022, Arlesheim, Switzerland
Christoph Messmer, Board member of Birkenrain Elderly Care Home Foundation
Messmer, also managing director of the Association for Anthroposophical Medicine Promotion, spontaneously commented on the replacement building constructed with Pneumatit® in Zurich’s Birkenrain:
The construction turned out beautifully, and the atmosphere and energy in the building are unique. Using Pneumatit was a great decision, one of the success factors of the new Birkenrain – in addition to other materials, colors, and shapes. One resident reported: “In concrete basements, I used to feel cramped and uncomfortable; this is no longer the case in Birkenrain’s new building.”
January 2022, Zürich, Switzerland
Othmar Bernet, Agricultural consultant
Bernet from Ufhusen in the canton of Lucerne had heard about Pneumatit® from a farming perspective. He came to Rheinau specifically to see for himself. The fact that he has been wearing a foot prosthesis for three years after an amputation led to particularly impressive experiences in two different Pneumatit® objects.
If my eyes had been blindfolded, I would have thought that someone had put a mat on the floor. Walking was soft. It is also still common for me to have to sit down after a short time because my muscles from the back down to the thighs cramp up and I am in danger of collapsing. This was completely different on Pneumatit concrete. There were no cramps. Instead, I always felt centered and balanced while walking. Moreover, I experienced an energy that rose along the spine up into the head and beyond. The feeling is not easy to describe, but it was cozy, warm, and soft like a water source welling up and coming to light. I could walk and stand easily and persistently without getting tired or fidgety as usual. The floor seemed springy. The painful jolts that usually hit my knees were gone but returned immediately when stepping off Pneumatit concrete onto regular concrete or asphalt surfaces. For my standards, I walked for quite a long time without getting tired at all; on the contrary, even as an aftereffect, there was a refreshing sensation in my legs and feet which usually hurt after walking around for some time—someone should make shoe soles out of Pneumatit concrete!
On the way home, I remained alert and focused for about an hour before stopping at a rest area where I fell into an astonishingly deep sleep lasting another hour or so; afterward waking up fully rested with complete concentration allowing me to continue driving with ease. Unfortunately during visits with two clients en route later on in the day—I experienced those familiar symptoms again: barely able to stand or walk nor rise from sitting positions—I found myself longing once more for Pneumatit concrete beneath me instead! No more concrete should be produced without Pneumatit.
March 2021, Ufhusen, Switzerland
Florian De Lima, Senior site manager
External link www.c2m.ch
De Lima led the construction of a cooperative housing development with 16 townhouses and a community room.
Even during the shell construction phase, I noticed a difference in my well-being between the basement rooms without Pneumatit and the apartments with Pneumatit.
Now that everything is finished and the exposed floors have been installed in the apartments… It is indeed a positive experience!
I know that Pneumatit was used in construction. Maybe this influences my perception?
It seems to be the case for others as well, as all apartments are already rented out and there are only positive feedbacks.
From a professional standpoint, everything went smoothly with Pneumatit. Deliveries always arrived on time, and support was exemplary.
March 2021, Ettingen, Switzerland
Luc Leroy, Geomancer
Luc Leroy has been a professional geomancer for twenty years and works in animal husbandry in western France; he also trains throughout France. As part of Prosantel
External link www.prosantel.com
, he collaborates with a team of 20 people on agricultural and wind power construction projects, focusing on the quality and “information” of concrete. The goal is to improve living conditions for both humans and animals.
After researching and experimenting with the “dynamization” of concrete using personal and empirical methods, I wanted to find something reliable. During a training course, a craftsman told me about Pneumatit. I quickly made contact to learn more about this phenomenon.
As a professional geomancer and specialized in animal husbandry in Brittany for 20 years, I have always been interested in the “ambiance” inside buildings. Due to geobiological and electromagnetic disturbances, as well as the effects of building materials, the quality of life for animals in such modern places is not always particularly good.
The floor slab on which animals move and rest is an essential basis: it mediates between earth energies and sky energies. For years, I have been able to conduct experiments on the “information” of concrete during construction. The results were very uncertain. That’s why I went to Alsace to “try out” concrete that had been dynamized with Pneumatit. I wanted to become aware of its achieved effect.
What a pleasant surprise! It was January; being from Brittany myself, there was a Nordic coldness running through the open building under construction all around me; yet somehow, I felt carried by inner waves of warmth…I am convinced by this product and now recommend it for every construction project.An animal keeper does not always have the opportunity to choose their stable location; therefore it can also be located in an area with strong geophysical disturbances. Dynamizing concrete with Pneumatit as a measure for care and correction can solve this problem because Pneumatit regulates and mitigates influences from faults, water veins, or grid disturbances. It seems that we thereby rediscover our actual geophysical location naturally – as it is there and cannot be moved – but its information is changed in such a way that its potential for stress is completely transformed.
September 2018, Redon in Brittany, France
In 2020, Leroy was at a farm in Bain-de-Bretagne where the farmer had plans for a new stable construction. The farmer also told him about another upcoming project, a biogas plant. However, Leroy did not conduct any geobiological investigation of this part of the site.
In March 2021, the concerned livestock owner called me. They were erecting walls for the biogas plant storage area; however, the mason and concrete supplier had been having problems with concrete setting for two weeks now. It was the desperate mason who finally asked to involve a geobiologist. When removing formwork boards from set concrete they would always stick to them; despite changing their concrete formula twice already this phenomenon persisted. The mason followed all instructions when preparing formwork boards; they even ordered from another supplier but still faced issues with sticking and unevenness which required plastering over.
I was already somewhat familiar with this area without having discovered any particularly disturbing frequencies at first glance; I went to visit it again where I initially found fault lines in soil then an extremely strong unusual disturbance which I also felt within my body too! Following these faults led me about one-and-a-half kilometers away towards mobile phone and television towers – perhaps these amplifiers combined with fault lines created fields that possibly de-structured mixing water used within their concrete?
We then suggested to the mason that they try adding Pneumatit to three concrete mixer trucks in the afternoon as a test. Indeed, the treated concrete no longer stuck to formwork boards! In the following week, remaining concrete could be processed with Pneumatit without any further problems.
March 2021, Bain-de-Bretagne, France
Amadeus Zschunke, Managing director Sativa Rheinau AG
External link www.sativa-rheinau.ch
The organic and Demeter seed company Sativa Rheinau AG has already used Pneumatit® on several occasions. For example, in the vegetable seed cleaning facility mentioned below, which is a converted cattle barn with a massive floor. Currently, the company’s new central building is under construction. Managing Director Zschunke:
I do not consider myself to be particularly sensitive to perception in order to confidently recognize the difference between concrete with and without Pneumatit. This does not mean that I would not feel differently about buildings made with Pneumatit-concrete. Whenever I enter the seed cleaning facility, I still have a very positive impression. The same feeling occurs when I enter the new building. However, I am not sure if I would be as confident in a blind test at another location. It doesn’t even have to be that way. For me, Pneumatit is a valuable addition and further development of the material concrete.
January 2021, Rheinau, Switzerland
Andreas Eisenmann, Farmer
The Tyrolean Knollnhof
External link www.urlaub-am-bio-bauernhof-knolln.at
is run as a Demeter farm by Magdalena and Andreas Eisenmann in its fifth generation. Pneumatit® was used during a renovation and new construction of their deep litter walk-in stable.
I must say that we are very convinced by the effect of Pneumatit. The peace and harmony in our stable is truly sensational. Every person who enters the stable, whether a farmer or a “normal” observer, says the same thing: “Wow – it’s so quiet in your stable. Your cows are deeply relaxed!” That’s exactly what it is – the 50 head of cattle are relaxed and very content! I am particularly pleased with the farmers, of course, because deep litter and cattle with horns – that never works, they all said at first – now they are surprised.
Our “test balls” also work; Tyroleans know such things only very little and are always very reserved, but still try them out. Our house guests also find it very exciting, and most of the “testers” feel a difference between the two types of concrete.
I thank you for that.
December 2020, Söll, Austria
Johanna Janz, Therapist / Owner of a health food store
External link www.neugeist.at
After moving into their modern single-family home made of concrete, Mrs. Janz spontaneously wrote to us.
We have been living here for 4 weeks and, thanks to Pneumatit, we feel very comfortable. The energy is very pleasant and is also perceived as such by our acquaintances. The special fine, light feeling of the concrete floors and walls was already noticeable during the construction phase. Even the workers noticed the vibration: there were never any difficulties or problems among the various companies; everything went harmoniously.
I would never have thought that I would find concrete pleasant, balancing, and warm! Thank you very much.
December 2020, Ernstbrunn, Austria
Simon Frey, Musician and pharmacist
Some time after completing a quickly executed order, we received feedback from the client:
At the beginning of 2020, we asked Pneumatit AG if it would be possible to deliver the required amount of Pneumatit and the necessary infrastructure for a cementitious screed floor within a week. Everything worked out well! Since then, we have been living in the converted former agricultural economy section. We are extremely satisfied with the quality of the floor. In addition, during the first half-year or so, we received many questions from visitors about what kind of floor it was. “A cementitious screed floor,” indeed. And then almost everyone commented that it was very surprising how soft it felt?!? Voilà! If not proof, this is at least a relevant and genuine indication that Pneumatit actually “softens” cement – not in terms of its actual strength but in terms of how people perceive and feel about the floor. Very pleasing!
December 2020, Nennigkofen, Switzerland
Eva Marion Kleber, Adult education specialist
Yes, I noticed the Pneumatit staircase and compared it to standing on regular concrete and asphalt. The difference is quite clear: Pneumatit creates a lightness that feels free and agile. A good building material for the future. In contrast, conventional concrete feels like heavy emptiness; one walks on it somewhat devoid of meaning and with a heavy stride. Asphalt makes one feel hard and very present.
November 2020, Basel, Switzerland
Marco Zürn, Architect
Pneumatit is to concrete what people are to a house.
October 2020, Basel, Switzerland
Romi Neidhart, Farmer / Seed processor
In early July Pneumatit® managing director Markus Sieber visited Sativa Rheinau AG’s vegetable seed cleaning hall in Switzerland where they have installed Pneumatit® treated floors which are thicker than usual and support several large vibration-intensive machines.
I started working in Rheinau about a quarter of a year ago. At first, I worked in the steam treatment of seeds, standing on concrete all day long. After some time, I noticed that my whole body was aching in the evening, and I told my wife about it. Especially my knee, which had undergone several surgeries, hurt quite badly. Then my workplace changed to processing – still standing on concrete all day – but here the pain disappeared. When Markus Sieber came for the first time shortly after to announce a guided tour on the concrete floor, I asked him what was so special about this floor. He asked back if I didn’t feel anything different since there were people who felt less tired on this concrete surface. I denied. I am not easily convinced and not quickly persuaded by something new or different. It wasn’t until later at home that it became clear to me: My well-being had improved since working on this floor.When Markus then conducted the tour with students, I approached him and corrected my initial statement. Now having worked here for 3 weeks continuously, the pain is gone.
July 2020, Rheinau, Switzerland
Romi Neidhart, Farmer / Seed processor
In early July Pneumatit® managing director Markus Sieber visited Sativa Rheinau AG’s vegetable seed cleaning hall in Switzerland where they have installed Pneumatit® treated floors throughout their facility . The concrete floor there is not only treated with Pneumatit®, but also particularly thick and supports numerous large machines that generate intense vibrations during operation . This is where Romi Neidhart’s story begins:
I started working in Rheinau about a quarter of a year ago. At first, I worked in the steam treatment of seeds, standing on concrete all day long. After some time, I noticed that my whole body was aching in the evening, and I told my wife about it. Especially my knee, which had undergone several surgeries, hurt quite badly. Then my workplace changed to processing – still standing on concrete all day – but here the pain disappeared. When Markus Sieber came for the first time shortly after to announce a guided tour on the concrete floor, I asked him what was so special about this floor. He asked back if I didn’t feel anything different since there are people who get less tired on this type of concrete floor. I denied it because I am not easily convinced and not quick to believe something. It wasn’t until later at home that the connection became clear: My well-being improved since working on this floor. When Markus then conducted the tour with students, I approached him and corrected my initial statement. Meanwhile, having worked here for 3 weeks now and the pain is gone.
July 2020, Rheinau, Switzerland
Fabio Ninghetto, Automotive mechanic and logistician
For me, Pneumatit was completely new territory; I had never paid attention to such influences before. However, I was interested in it and got a guided tour of the company. I was curious. In the company itself, I marveled at how optimally space is used for the variety of products being made there. The effort here is very large compared to other areas in the construction industry.
Afterwards, I appreciated getting a comparison between built floors with normal concrete and Pneumatit concrete. On the Pneumatit concrete, it wasn’t as if something “flows through” me. What impressed me though was its effect on my knee that has been damaged after 20 years of playing soccer. It only provides unstable support and radiates pain up to my shinbone. On the Pneumatit concrete, however, I immediately experienced relief in my knee and shinbone; it felt stable, secure and much more comfortable overall. When we entered the milking parlor during milking operations, I didn’t feel anything from the concrete itself but noticed that air seemed remarkably pleasant and fresh – like during a walk in a forest – despite being around cows.
In this seed cleaning hall where we stayed for some time afterward but didn’t feel much else since by then fatigue had set in. Upon leaving though became aware that felt refreshed wide awake than before An hour later home checked recordings pulse watch lo behold minute looked at dropped 48 remained so until left Now knew why so rejuvenated.
December 2019, Rheinau, Switzerland
Benjamin Matzke, Chemical technician
Last year, we built a house and used Pneumatit. We think it’s great. The collaboration with the company also went smoothly. I had some skeptical questions at the beginning, which Mr. Sieber was able to answer very well and promptly. Of course, it has its price, but the effect is convincing, and compared to the total price of the concrete, it is actually quite negligible.
September 2019, Leymen, France
Ulrich Günther, Economist and artist
Mr. Günther visited stables and economic buildings at biodynamic farms Gut Rheinau and Sativa in Rheinau where Pneumatit was originally developed – for their own use. Mr. Günther also examined his impressions radiesthetically.
I was very impressed. As a visitor, if you move attentively along the tractor path in the large stable, you can clearly perceive the soothingly relaxing effect of this concrete. It noticeably awakens vital forces, comparable to a special place of power in nature. Even in the heavily machine-equipped milking room, there is no feeling of oppression or confinement. Despite the high side walls enclosing the relatively narrow space, one feels free here. The same goes for the seed processing hall with its many large machines. These impressions became even more evident when I entered areas of the farm that were constructed with conventional industrial concrete for comparison.
August 2019, zu Besuch in Rheinau, Switzerland
Christiane Usadel, Fine artist and building designer
External link amala-art.de
As a color designer in the exterior and interior field with long experience with various building materials, I have experienced the beneficial effect of Pneumatit, in contrast to conventional concrete. This innovative concrete has a completely different “radiance” compared to the usual. Anyone with open senses can perceive this, even without expert knowledge, without particularly pronounced sensitivity and quite spontaneously. This is how our team of painters felt when we had to design six new houses in terms of color on Gempen in Switzerland in summer 2015. In each house, we had a material room where everything could be stored and locked away. One of these rooms was noticeably lighter, warmer, more “atmospheric” than all the others. So we liked setting up there and also preferred spending our breaks there. However, I experienced one wall in this room as cold and repelling; no contact was made with it. It was only later that it turned out that this house was built from concrete with the addition of Pneumatit – except for this one wall, which had already been poured at the beginning of construction before the owners decided to use Pneumatit. Thus I can confirm from my own immediate experience the positive, pleasant and harmonizing effect of concrete enriched with Pneumatit. Since for many years I have had to endure the coldness and energy-draining effect of conventional concrete during my work, I would like to draw attention to this significant improvement on classic building material concrete and much more pleasant indoor climate provided by houses built using Pneumatit-enhanced materials . This material should ideally be used in every new construction.
August 2019, Gempen, Switzerland
Christiane Usadel, Fine artist and building designer
External link amala-art.de
As a color designer in the exterior and interior field with long experience with various building materials, I have experienced the beneficial effect of Pneumatit, in contrast to conventional concrete. This innovative concrete has a completely different “radiance” compared to the usual one. Anyone with open senses can perceive this, even without expert knowledge, without particularly pronounced sensitivity and quite spontaneously. This is how our team of painters felt when we had to design six new houses in terms of color on Gempen in Switzerland in summer 2015. In each house, we had a material room where everything could be stored and locked away. One of these rooms was noticeably lighter, warmer, more “atmospheric” than all the others. So we liked setting up there and also preferred spending our breaks there. However, I experienced one wall in this room as cold and repelling; no contact was made with it. It was only later that it turned out that this house was built from concrete with the addition of Pneumatit – except for this one wall which had already been poured at the beginning of construction before the owners decided to use Pneumatit. Thus I can confirm from my own immediate experience the positive, pleasant and harmonizing effect of concrete enriched with Pneumatit. Since I have had to experience for many years at work how cold and energy-draining conventional concrete is, I would like to draw attention to this significant improvement on classic building material concrete as well as on much more pleasant indoor climate provided by houses built using Pneumatit-enhanced materials . This material should ideally be used in every new construction.
August 2019, Gempen, Switzerland
Jérôme Eliès, Construction economist and geomancer
Mr Eliès contacted us through Geomancy Network West France because he wanted to use Pneumatit® in his new home’s construction process. In midst of building works, Mr Eliès wrote us:
The company HD Bâtiment had taken over the construction work. The company manager told me that he generally enjoyed building this house because they were “doing things right” here. Currently, the drywall workers of Armor Plaquiste Isolation are at work. When I asked the site manager about his impressions, he replied that he immediately noticed that something was different on this construction site than usual. He felt comfortable and calm, despite his otherwise tense nature. Calmness was also the word that came up when he told me about the days his team and he spent on the construction site. He noticed that for once, he didn’t have to direct them as much as on other sites! When a problem arose, they said it wasn’t bad and didn’t worry about it. The workers in turn reflected to their boss that for once, he had been cheerful here. They enjoyed the days they worked on this house. Like the construction company before them, the site manager also expressed wanting to “do things right.” He particularly emphasized doing things “with heart,” which surprised me coming from a builder!
July 2019, Saint Brieuc, France
Peter und Esther Lange, Gardening teacher and kindergarten teacher
During a recent exchange at an institution that repeatedly builds itself, conversation partners considered: Actually, Pneumatit® should have a harmonizing effect on the construction process itself as well. In fact, we hear about this again and again from various sources. A few days later we were surprised with the following report:
Now our house is equipped and everything is finished except for the surroundings. We have been living in it since December and feel very comfortable. Many visitors feel the same way. Particularly perceptive people also sense that the concrete of the floor slab has a special positive effect. Of course, this is also due to the high living quality of a wooden construction. It was also interesting that the craftsmen enjoyed working here and felt comfortable. We had no accidents, no disputes, and no construction problems. Here in Toggenburg, people are very open to homeopathy for humans and animals and have accepted Pneumatit® as an additive without any problems. I gladly wish every builder this living quality! Cats and dogs also like to lie on the concrete floor. Many thanks for your valuable and forward-looking work!
March 2019, Rietbad, Switzerland
David Feldbrügge, Building biologist
Feldbrügge not only runs an official Building Biology Consultation Center according to IBN but also the Clay Store,
External link www.lehm-laden.de
a trade with high-quality building products. For the floor in his own office, he poured a layer of concrete – with Pneumatit®.
While processing, I completely forgot that it’s concrete, truly amazing. Visitors also ask why the floor is so soft. I am absolutely thrilled. From the moment a concrete floor slab is installed in a house, there is usually a crack that everyone can feel … This is exactly where Pneumatit comes in.
«Lehm-Laden» now handles Pneumatit® sales for small quantities of less than 40 m3 in the EU. And advertises this on its website: A proven and revolutionary way – integrating concrete into ecological building.
January 2019, Hitzacker, Germany
Walter Peter, Sculptor
Artist Walter Peter works a lot with wood and exclusively with natural materials. Active vitality is an important concern for him. That’s why he and his wife built a house in 2017 using the consistently ecological Holz100 construction method. “Moon wood” is used, which is felled at specific, biologically and material-technically optimal times. We asked about Walter Peter’s experiences in the finished house:
Pneumatit and Thoma’s Holz100 construction method complement each other perfectly. The actual weak point in the Holz100 house, the concrete slab, is raised to the same energy level as Thoma’s moon wood with Pneumatit. We feel very comfortable “all around” in our house.
December 2018, Ottersberg, Germany
Kaspar Scherrer, School principal
Scherrer is the head of a public school in Switzerland. He traveled to Winterthur for a work meeting at the local Rudolf Steiner School where construction work was underway using Pneumatit®. The newly built hall was still in its shell stage.
With about 15 people, I went down the stairs. There was a draft, as the windows had not yet been installed. When I entered the hall without any expectations, I did not slowly but immediately have a strong experience. It was indeed a raw concrete hall, but the expectations of concrete were not met: the typical coldness of concrete, its smell, and somehow dampness… all of that was absent. Instead, I entered a room that radiated softness and warmth. This surprised me greatly.
July 2018, Winterthur, Switzerland
Herbert Röösli, Independent entrepreneur and leadership coach
Herbert Röösli has worked in the construction industry both as an entrepreneur and as a consultant for many years. Therefore, he was interested when he heard about the young Pneumatit AG company and its product. He came for a visit to Rheinau, and later arranged an on-site appointment with the homeowners of a larger residential and commercial building in Einsiedeln that had been consistently built using Pneumatit®.
It was very impressive. I had the feeling of walking on a “soft ground-floor” and the room radiated a very pleasant energy. My wife and my son were also there, and they had a similar feeling. Especially the energy in the underground garage was impressive. Yes, this is something great, and I think you will surely have much success with it. The effect of Pneumatit is so striking that architects and builders will certainly use this product more frequently.
June 2018, Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Simone Graf, Educator and sculptor
Ms. Graf works with young adults who require support in terms of mental or social aspects; she is initiator and co-director of Project InSich where she leads animal-assisted therapy activities. The central foundation of her work is communication, perception and connection between humans and animals on various levels – both physical and subtle energies. This work requires sensitivity towards all forms of liveliness: in nature as well as surroundings; artistic environment just like social settings.
I first came into contact with the product Pneumatit about two years ago when I was given a tour of the newly created properties on the agricultural estate in Rheinau, and again recently. As the daughter of an architect, I have walked through many of my father’s buildings, among which there were always immense concrete new constructions. These always left behind the same cold, uncomfortable feeling in body and soul. What a difference it was to enter these Pneumatit-enriched concrete spaces – they live, breathe, balance out, similar to the feeling in clay buildings but even more invigorating energetically. Concrete with this additive no longer leaves behind dead, energy-repelling bunker feelings but instead creates living, pulsating life within these spaces. What a gift to have such a product for refining such an ingenious building material! Thanks and respect to the developers and manufacturers. I ordered Pneumatit for my new plastic works with concrete.
November 2017, Münchwiler, Switzerland
Hildegard Backhaus Vink, Marketing, communication & organization Freie Gemeinschaftsbank
Since the age of 23, I have been suffering from the precursor of a herniated disc. In the first few years, the symptoms were severe: back pain, tension, painful stiffness, and occasional lumbago. Even physiotherapy could not alleviate them. Many years later when I got to know anthroposophy, I was able to massively reduce my complaints through eurythmy but they never completely disappeared and reoccurred under stress. At the beginning of this year, my symptoms had increased significantly again. They culminated in me needing about an hour after getting up to be able to straighten up without pain at all. After that it went well for the rest of the day.
In April 2017 my employer, Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
External link www.gemeinschaftsbank.ch
, moved into their new building on Meret Oppenheim-Strasse in Basel which floors and walls were built with Pneumatit concrete. On the first day after moving in my complaints suddenly disappeared! I was happy but didn’t think much about it at that time. However when shortly afterwards I read an experience report from a concrete worker who had suffered from back pain and was freed from it by working with Pneumatit [see Mustafa Dervisevic’s experience report further below], it suddenly became clear to me that my sudden relief was also due to Pneumatit! Since working in this new building I am symptom-free – even during holidays – and can straighten up normally right after getting up as well as bend over without any issues . This is a whole new feeling of life for which I am very grateful! For me it is amazing how strong are both effects and the power of living!
October 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Monsieur G., Electricity company EDF representative
Mr G (who wishes to remain anonymous which we respect) got in touch with Didier Gogniat – Pneumatit®’s representative in France – to share his encounter with Pneumatit®.
Recently, I retired and visited an old friend who is an architect and also retired. Knowing that I wanted to build a house for my old age, he recommended that I take a look at a new building with original architecture right next door. So, I went there, and someone from the construction company, an association, guided me through the building which covers 780 m2 on 5 half-levels. It includes a room for worship services as well as community spaces built of concrete with wooden frames and straw bales as insulation layers. I was very surprised by the pleasant atmosphere of the place despite the strong presence of concrete. Having worked my entire life as an EDF representative in a world of concrete, this was the first time that I felt comfortable in concrete surroundings – even in the basement! Here, I didn’t have the usual impression of coldness or lifelessness. On contrary, there is a sense of well-being emanating from this place. Upon asking questions about it, my guide informed me that this concrete contained a biodynamic additive called Pneumatit®. With this information in hand, I contacted Pneumatit France’s representative via their website’s contact form. Now I want to build my new house using Pneumatit!
August 2017, Colmar, France
Dr. Alexander Höhne, Events and building technology
Dr. Höhne works at Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
External link www.gemeinschaftsbank.ch
. He experienced moving into their consistently built Pneumatit®-constructed new building (2015-17).
When we moved from a massive old building (built in 1913) to a new building made of concrete and masonry in April 2017, I initially mourned the loss of the old building substance. I love old buildings because of the feeling of being able to breathe and being surrounded by natural materials. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The new building seemed light, breathable, and mysteriously invigorating to me. This may not only be due to Pneumatit®, but also the color scheme and subtly animated architecture. What is strange, however, is that I experience this invigoration and uplifting force especially in the technical rooms in the basement where concrete is very dominant and usually feels constricting. During house tours, I noticed that people enjoyed spending time even in rooms with ventilation systems while engaging in lively conversations. And for me too, it’s pleasant there even though I usually prefer to keep my stays short in such spaces. A lot has been written and talked about ergonomics at workstations; however something else entirely has been achieved here: In a modern way, a very practical construction material has been enriched with a new quality that – clearly perceptible for me – affects life quality at workspaces.Since my tasks at Freie Gemeinschaftsbank often take me into the basement area; therefore it makes me happy that even there an invigorating spatial quality can be experienced . It seems like something successful has happened here which should spread quickly and find widespread use.
August 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Alexander Höhne, Events and building technology
Dr Höhne works at Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
External link www.gemeinschaftsbank.ch
. He experienced moving into their consistently built Pneumatit®-constructed new building (2015-17).
When we moved from a massive old building (built in 1913) to a new concrete and masonry construction in April 2017, I initially mourned the loss of the old building substance. I love old buildings because of the feeling of being able to breathe and being surrounded by natural materials. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The new building felt light, breathable, and mysteriously invigorating. This may not only be due to Pneumatit®, but also to the color scheme and subtly animated architecture. What is strange, however, is that I experience this invigoration and uplifting force especially in the technical rooms in the basement where concrete is very dominant and usually feels constricting. During house tours, I noticed that people enjoyed spending time even in rooms with ventilation systems while engaging in lively conversations. And for me too, it’s pleasant there even though I usually prefer to keep my stay short in such rooms. A lot has been written and talked about ergonomics at workspaces; however something else entirely has been achieved here: In a modern way, a very practical building material has been enriched with a new quality that – clearly perceptible for me – affects life quality at workspaces. Since my tasks at Freie Gemeinschaftsbank often take me into the basement area, I am very grateful to be able to experience an invigorating spatial quality there as well. It seems like something has succeeded here that should spread quickly and find widespread use.
August 2017, Basel, Switzerland
Ralf Röhring, Automotive mechanic
His wife has been working at Pneumatit AG for half a year. Ralf Röhring himself has never read anything about Pneumatit® before, even though he had actually planned to do so. He knew it was a novel concrete additive but had no idea what its effects were like until he visited the facility.
At first, I spontaneously picked up two of the spheres that were lying around. I didn’t know anything about them, but I already thought it might be a comparison. [Otherwise identical concrete spheres, one with and one without Pneumatit®.] Then I was completely surprised. One sphere immediately felt distinctly softer and after a few moments also warmer than the other. When I asked, it turned out to be the Pneumatit sphere. After that, I was able to correctly identify another 5 pairs of spheres without difficulty; only in one case did it not work out. Later on, I went on the comparison paths. One path was just like regular concrete is supposed to feel like – as someone who occasionally works with concrete at home, I know how it feels like – but the other path felt different. It almost seemed impossible that you could feel such a difference: The one path is softer while simultaneously feeling more resilient or springy underfoot. And right away my right foot started tingling where a few years ago my ligaments had been injured.
During a subsequent tour of an industrial hall with a 45 cm thick floor made of Pneumatit®-concrete Ralf Röhring experienced strong tingling sensations in his previously injured and still sensitive foot again. When someone mentioned that according to product description Pneumatit works “as if blood returns into numb limbs,” he replied:
That’s exactly what it feels like! It’s an invigorating tingling sensation [which gradually disappeared after about 5 minutes]. Everything here generally feels more pleasant overall – just as touching the Pneumatit sphere is more pleasant too! This sensation increases over time up into your thighs and body as well! People can consider themselves lucky to be able to work here.
June 2017, Rheinau, Switzerland
Andreas Steinemann, Farmer
External link www.humanushaus.ch
The Humanus-Haus social therapeutic institution in Rubigen BE also operates agriculture and vegetable cultivation. These are biodynamic businesses where vitality is paramount: in soils, animal husbandry, processing, collaboration – and also in construction. That’s why around 640 m3 of concrete for the new greenhouse workshop building have been consistently refined with Pneumatit®. Steinemann, a member of the client representation for the building completed at the end of 2016 looks back on its creation process.
The reaction of the builder was interesting. At first, he was skeptical, but this soon turned into normality and then respect. In the end, he made sure that Pneumatit was used everywhere. The good cooperation within the construction team was noticeable. Hardly any mistakes were made, there was a pleasant atmosphere and appreciation could be felt everywhere. Looking back, one must say that Pneumatit had a liberating-positive effect on the construction process itself.
December 2016, Rubigen, Switzerland
Mustafa Dervisevic, Bricklayer
Mustafa is from Montenegro and has been a bricklayer for 30 years. He moves around all day long in an environment where concrete is omnipresent. Currently he is responsible for a construction site in Colmar where a church of the Christian Community is being built. From the beginning Mustafa had warned his boss and colleagues that his suffering was becoming too intense now – The following story was told by Mustafa on October 13th, 2016:
I thought I would eventually need a hospital appointment, even though I generally have good health and don’t go to the doctors. However, for 8 years, I have been suffering from increasingly severe pain in my shoulder and arm. At night, I couldn’t sleep more than 3 hours. Sea water treatments didn’t help either. But things changed on this construction site. On August 31st, we started pouring the foundation. The concrete contained this additive [Pneumatit®]. Since mid-September when only three walls were built on the foundation, I’ve been feeling less and less pain in my arm. What’s more – since then, I’ve been sleeping through from evening to morning which has amazed my son!
October 2016, Colmar, France
Heike Gadacz, Complementary therapist
Ms. Gadacz works at a therapeutic institution that has tested Pneumatit® for use in room renovation (and then carried it out). In addition to concrete samples, they also obtained a sample of Pneumatit® itself. Ms. Gadacz initially knew nothing about this.
One morning, as I entered the door, still in the momentum of my commute to work, a colleague unexpectedly handed me a small bottle. All he said was that I should perceive it. I immediately felt a great sense of calmness entering me. At the same time, I became lively in my heart area. The calmness conveyed to me the feeling of a protective shell from which one can become active in a good way.
May 2016, Scuol, Switzerland
Moira Sieber, Student (18)
I had no idea which path was with and which one was without Pneumatit.
When I stepped from the street onto the first path, I initially thought that this must be the Pneumatit path because its surface is so fine, finer than that of the street. However, when I stepped over to the second path, which has the same surface, it immediately became clear to me that my assumption was wrong: this was the Pneumatit path – the second one! I then repeatedly stepped from one path to another and back again, and my impression remained consistent. The experience of difference was most pronounced right after switching from one path to another: On normal concrete, I felt full of unrest; there always seemed like something else needed doing; I felt stressed. On the Pneumatit path however, I felt comfortable. It made me feel relaxed all through my stomach and experienced peace and a lot of space without feeling like needing to do anything special. After about ten minutes of trying out both paths, I went to check which one is what. Although curious about it but deep down inside already sure.
March 2016, Rheinau, Switzerland
External link src-architekten.ch
“Building for the whole person” is the motto of the architect group Stindt, Rhiner, Cuendet in Elgg. In 2015/16, when constructing three individual single-family homes in Winterthur Iberg, src-architects used and tested Pneumatit®. In March 2016, we were surprised with the following message:
This morning, I made a few small updates to our homepage. In doing so, I took the liberty of mentioning your fantastic product on the start page. Continued success with PNEUMATIT, we are now convinced users.
March 2016, Elgg, Switzerland
André und Ruth Aufdermauer-Küchler, Logistics instructor/Manager CC Medical Secretaries
For their new residential building project, Mr. and Mrs Aufdermauer placed great importance on good indoor climate quality; thanks to their fine sensitivity they were able to form their own competent judgment on this matter as well. During the construction process in 2013/14 we noticed how step by step they increasingly decided on using Pneumatit® – until eventually it was comprehensively used in concrete, mortar, anhydrite plastering materials as well as plastering work itself . Almost two years after moving into their new home we asked Aufdermauers about their current impressions which they shared with us:
For us, Pneumatit, along with our dream home in the power place St. Niklausen, is a great gift. We are completely happy and gladly share our experience and recommend it to others. Already during the construction phase in winter, we felt the soothing atmosphere; the floor and walls radiated a calming and warm energy. The difference from “normal” concrete was immediately noticeable. It was impressive to see the reaction of a worker in the shell construction – he never experienced cold feet – Pneumatit showed its full effect. This made us look forward even more to our own home – for us, thanks to Pneumatit, a place of well-being and relaxation. The recovery phase after a busy day is much shorter, and energy is noticeably present. Even visitors who are not aware of it say that it’s hard to describe but somehow our house has an especially calm and warming aura that makes them feel very comfortable.We hope that our impressions will convince further interested parties.
February 2016, St. Niklausen, Switzerland
Prof. Daniel Robert Graf, Musician
Prof Graf is an internationally active cellist who teaches at Frankfurt’s University of Music and Performing Arts where he has also played as principal cellist at Opera House for 40 years . After a long car journey he arrived in Rheinau straight away visiting small concrete test facility.
At first, I walked along path X towards the sphere – without any particular interest, and I didn’t feel anything. Then I stepped over to the sphere on path Y. As soon as I put my hands around this sphere, it triggered an incredibly pleasant feeling. At first, I thought it was physically warmer than sphere X, but a comparison showed that this was not the case. Both were physically equally warm – but the different impression persisted. Only now did I pay attention to the two paths and thought that they might have different concrete compositions. It was mentioned to me that one contained Pneumatit while the other did not – but it wasn’t specified which one had what.
I checked again, and even on my second attempt, path X seemed normal to me. On path Y, however, I felt noticeably invigorated and lighter. Walking here was pleasant – despite my painfully injured ankle! – in contrast to path X. Now it also became clear that each sphere belonged with its respective place and path. Moreover, I was completely sure that path Y must contain Pneumatit; no one could have convinced me otherwise. And so it turned out.
After we had poured the foundation slab for our cultural center using Pneumatit-concrete mixtures ,I sat on a chair atop of it for as long as possible in the intense heat – feeling absolutely comfortable!
July 2015, Rheinau, Switzerland
Eveline Markstein, Sculptor and lecturer specializing in cast-concrete techniques.
Ms Markstein is a freelance artist in Cologne who came into contact with Pneumatit® as an instructor during Rheinau’s annual summer academy program.
In my current studio house in Cologne, a concrete building, I feel uncomfortable. When I step out into the corridors, I experience a kind of cold shock. I arrived in Rheinau two days before the courses began. I used the quiet free evening to try out the two concrete paths that are laid out there for comparison. With the first path, it was immediately clear to me that this must be the Pneumatit path. I had the feeling that energy from the material flowed through my shoes and up into my legs. When I then switched to compare with the other path, it was confirmed. Because here, I clearly felt how normal concrete even absorbed energy. Also when trying two different pairs of similar concrete balls with and without Pneumatit, I was immediately sure which one had Pneumatit added to it. In both cases, I perceived the ball with Pneumatit as lighter – even where it was actually a little bit heavier. My impressions and experiences with Pneumatit will be passed on to concrete professionals and users.
July 2015, Rheinau, Switzerland
Walter Dänzer, Head of Soyana and LifevisionLab
A.W. Dänzer has been a consistent and groundbreaking organic pioneer with creative ideas and a successful entrepreneur with a spiritual background since founding Soyana
External link soyana.ch
. Under his leadership, among other businesses, is also LifevisionLab laboratory. Its crystallization images in dark field photography are of exceptional quality and illustrate the inner etheric quality of food products. With these images, Dänzer convincingly demonstrates differences between organic and non-organic foods in his extensive work “The Invisible Power In Food” (2014). For Pneumatit GmbH this was reason enough to have corresponding images produced for spring water after contact with conventional concrete as well as Pneumatit® concrete. Afterward, Dänzer himself ordered Pneumatit® for the imminent new construction of Soyana’s production facility. Four weeks later we asked him for his opinion.
In fact, I have never actually experienced Pneumatit® in a building before; that will only happen in the near future. I applied Pneumatit immediately because the test images showed me that it really does something. On one side, you see the industrial processes of conventional concrete in their typical rigid, dead image structures. On the other side, a large living energy appears, growing from cell to cell like a bush with many flowers and an artistic quality. That is life!
By planting the beauty of these life impulses into our production building, we gain an additional opportunity to increase the quality of our Soyana food products. It’s great that it has been possible to bring this power into such solid matter! Pneumatit® in our operation will be good for both those who work there and those for whom we produce food.
April 2015, Schlieren, Switzerland
Klaus Hetzel, Model- and mold maker
Klaus Hetzel is an experienced and creative mold maker for various applications and functional areas in a wide range of materials. On his website he writes: “After our first contact with concrete we quickly developed a kind of passion for this material and its surprisingly diverse processing possibilities.” Pneumatit GmbH approached Hetzel as a customer with a question about molds which we couldn’t solve ourselves. After their visit we left two otherwise identical coded concrete spheres in Hetzel’s workshop – one made from conventional concrete and another made from Pneumatit® concrete . In an email later on Hetzel casually wrote: “I keep playing around with your spheres every now and then; about 80% of the time I find the right one.” We followed up on this.
At first, I thought that one of the balls seemed somehow warmer. And indeed, it turned out to be the Pneumatit ball. Then, however, it seemed to me that the left hand feels warmer anyway. So I started switching the balls from one hand to another and trying them out until I reached some kind of certainty or decision. How does that feel? It’s not easy to say. Warmer, more pleasant, more lively somehow. It’s difficult to find precise terms for this sensation. In any case, a pleasant difference can indeed be felt with the Pneumatit ball. For whatever reason – currently a friend is visiting as well; I gave him both balls to try too. As soon as he held them in his hands he said: “This one is warmer.” And he was right; it was the Pneumatit concrete.
March 2015, Leingarten, Germany
Erika Bühler-Seiz, Special education teacher and mountain guide
We are renovating an old Engadine house. In the basement, there are two rooms with concrete floors next to each other, separated only by a threshold. When I move from one room to the other, I have a different perception. The Pneumatit floor feels softer and absorbs my steps. The floors between the levels were also reinforced with concrete and wooden beams. I am amazed that when helping with the construction of the wooden floor above, I can work kneeling without any padding, without it feeling too cold or hard.
September 2014, Bever, Switzerland
Sabine Bierich, Actress and director, journalist
Ms. Bierich had originally come to Rheinau for research on an article.
I set out to provide counter-evidence. These emotional reports on the Pneumatit company website for “concrete with breath and life” seemed strange to me at first glance. They talk about “astral effects” and “ethereal expansion.” In short, it all sounded like some kind of miracle reports that I don’t believe in anyway.
In the company premises, I pick up two almost identical, coded concrete spheres, switch them from one hand to the other and notice: One sphere remains cold in my hands; the other becomes warm. Sieber looks at the code on the bottom: The sphere that feels warmer in my hand contains Pneumatit. The same applies to two similar-looking sample plates: The one that seems more “sympathetic” to me contains Pneumatit.
Then Sieber takes me to a very ordinary, modern covered cowshed. The cows stand on grooved concrete. Next to it runs a wide concrete road towards the building with milking machines. Sieber asks me to walk along this concrete road.
It’s incredible, but even after just a few steps, I feel light as a feather and warmly enveloped; I could do yoga on this piece of concrete or set up my desk here. Even in the narrow space with milking machines where you are below ground level, I feel relatively comfortable – except for the cold metal of these machines.
Whatever Sieber and Martinez have done seems to work well indeed! If you want to test it yourself, you can visit Pneumatit GmbH in Rheinau (Switzerland). All I can say is that my attempt at providing counter-evidence has failed! When it comes time for our upcoming private home renovation, I will contact Pneumatit GmbH again to mix concrete.
September 2014, Rheinau, Switzerland
Ida-Maria Ledergerber-Graf, Family woman, certified social worker
Like other products that strongly appeal to customers’, Pneumatit® also occasionally triggers independent approaches for further development – which naturally pleases us and interests us greatly! A report on such an attempt follows below.
Mrs Ledergerber lives with her husband in a row house built in concrete slab construction in 1958. Several people in this neighborhood suffer from rheumatic diseases; Mrs Ledergerber herself has arthritis as a result of complicated leg fracture twenty-eight years ago . Since moving into their home in year 2000, her condition has rapidly deteriorated, requiring frequent physiotherapy.
During a tour of the Gut Rheinau buildings, Mrs Ledergerber was “amazed at how warm and harmonious the concrete felt when it was treated with the additive,” meaning Pneumatit®, while the old one felt “cold and tension-charged.” Since Mrs Ledergerber cannot change her house’s building substance herself, she asked if Pneumatit® could be mixed with paints used for walls and ceilings. No such experiences had been reported so far; thus, Mrs Ledergeber conducted a first attempt by mixing Pneumatit® with (natural) paint. Mrs Ledergerber has trained perception and uses precise terms (“etheric,” “astral,” “mental”). Her husband also confirms that the room climate has significantly improved.
Internal link Crash-course
In its original state, the wall had a cold effect on an etheric level up to about 10 cm away. It caused painful pulling in the fingers and strong tension throughout the entire level. The astral effect (up to about 35 cm) was also cold, with a strong, painful tension, almost like electric current. The expansion on a mental level reached up to 50 cm and had the same effect (tense, contracting, painful). Since painting with natural wall paint mixed with Pneumatit®, an etheric expansion of about 18 to 20 cm can be perceived that feels pleasant. The coldness is gone. It bubbles with energy. The astral effect reaches up to 50 cm and has a warming, very invigorating effect as if permeated by gentle energy currents. On a mental dimension, there is an expansion of about 140 cm with a very balanced, velvety, harmonious character.
In the living room where I painted two sides three months ago, plants have since grown almost explosively and formed many new shoots. Two orchids have been blooming for weeks now. One orchid has formed nineteen flower buds; fourteen are currently blooming—some for several weeks already.
May 2014, Bolligen, Switzerland
Stephan Grubenmann, Physician
Dr Stephan Grubenmann is a physician specializing in general practice medicine who has worked extensively with homeopathic preparations over many years through self-experimentation acquiring vast wealth knowledge finely tuned perception abilities finer vibrations occasion guided tour he came contact Pneumatit® for first time had powerful experiences several tests able clearly distinguish differentiate between blind test two weeks later visited Rheinau more detailed visit during which also elsewhere industrial concrete buildings could be compared following report summarizes his experiences.
Normal concrete causes pressure, unpleasant tightness, and even pain in my head area. I often experience a subtle kind of shortness of breath, even though I can breathe normally. It feels as if my vital forces were withdrawing from my head and forearms. Depending on the current nerve strength, there are slight impairments in sensory functions. Of course, I “survive it” and endure it, but it is uncomfortable nonetheless, and I leave the building as quickly as possible to recover in nature.
The experience was already impressive when I first took a bottle of Pneumatit mother tincture into my hand in a strongly unpleasant concrete room and then one with the final stage D5. The pressure decreased rapidly. The forces began to flow and oscillate better throughout the body again, even if the concrete effect of the room was still noticeable. It felt like freer breathing. I could relax again; feeling liberated and more comfortable overall—Pneumatit’s vibration matches that found in nature much better than regular concrete.
Pneumatit-concrete itself radiates an inviting sense of security while still being noticeably dense from below through feet up to hands into entire body; an enjoyable vibrating force enters that opens up all around I can feel my heartbeat extending outwards towards periphery once more emotionally compared normal there’s feeling friendly supportive approach here allowed be oneself.
May 2014, Flaach / Rheinau, Switzerland
Roland Graf, Electrical engineer HTL
Concrete buildings have something about them, I always find them cold, and I quickly feel chilly. But when I visited the hamlet of Zum Pflug in Neurheinau and walked up the concrete staircase, I was quite surprised: I felt warmth as if it were a wooden structure. The sensation was strikingly strong. Actually, everyone who passes this staircase should feel it. As it turned out, Pneumatit was used. It really takes away the coldness of the concrete – unbelievable!
Peter Brinch, Agronomist
As a participant in the scientific HRV comparison experiment
Internal link Cardiovegetative State
, Peter Brinch from England first sat in a room made of conventional concrete, then in an identical one made of Pneumatit® concrete (see also above, Dagmar Nüßer). Part of the experiment was an attention test with a computer. Brinch spontaneously recorded his impressions and sent them to us, already back in England – still without knowing which room was built with and which without Pneumatit®. (“First room” = conventional concrete, “second room” = Pneumatit® concrete.)
When I arrived at Rheinau in August, I noticed how tired I was. I had already been tired for many months in England because of my work situation. But now, it became more conscious to me. In the first room, it was easy for me to focus on the point on the computer, but towards the end, I felt more agitated, disturbed and even a little aggressive or angry. It wasn’t restful in any way but rather more restless. What impressed me when coming out of the second room was how relaxed and peaceful I felt and how my tiredness had been swept aside. I was laughing inwardly to myself because I felt so comfortable with a real sense of well-being. I was so surprised at how good I felt. Was it truly possible that the room could have this effect? It was like having been with a healer or having taken a small vacation.
As soon as August arrived in Rheinau, it became clear to me just how exhausted from work-related stressors back home in England; however now aware what impact these factors were having upon both body & mind alike! The initial space provided an opportunity where focusing proved relatively simple – yet ultimately left feeling increasingly unsettled due primarily towards feelings associated anger/aggression (amongst others). Conversely though – upon exiting Room 2 – suddenly experienced overwhelming sensations characterized predominantly by relaxation/peacefulness; subsequently resulting overall fatigue dissipating almost entirely! Laughing internally at newfound comfort levels achieved (coupled alongside genuine happiness), couldn’t help ponder whether such transformational change genuinely attributed solely down environment alone? Almost akin visiting spiritual healer / embarking short break away… Returning same location over course weekend revealed similar outcomes albeit perhaps not quite pronounced; nevertheless still evoking sense contentment / tranquility throughout duration spent there.
August 2013, Rheinau, Switzerland
Dagmar Nüsser, Teacher
Dagmar Nüßer participated in the HRV blind test [see also above, Peter Brinch].
Internal link Cardiovegetative State
Ms. Nüßer had no idea what to expect. Like many other participants, she then had clear, sometimes vividly imaginative inner experiences that she noted down on site. The test management only accidentally discovered these months later on the back of their respective measurement sheets ( “Room below” = conventional concrete; “Room above” = Pneumatit® concrete).
At first, I encountered something very lively in the lower room. This manifested itself as an animal head with many sharp teeth. I didn’t notice it as much during the 33 minutes. But afterwards, this liveliness transformed into tentacle arms that reached for me. I didn’t feel very well for the rest of the day.
The upper room seemed calm and expanded more and more during the first 10 minutes. It became large and violet. During the 33 minutes, it felt cozy around me. I would gladly sit in this room again.
August 2013, Rheinau, Switzerland
Philip E. Jacobsen, MSc in psychology, psychologist, development companion
Today, I walked on Pneumatit concrete for the first time – a special experience that is difficult to describe adequately. The concrete feels soft and springy when walking on it, both with shoes and barefoot. This is a very peculiar sensory perception because Pneumatit concrete is as hard as regular concrete, which can easily be verified with a glass. When standing on Pneumatit concrete, there is a noticeable sensation of warmth in the feet and lower legs. However, this feeling is different from physical warmth. It feels more like energization.
July 2013, Flaach, Switzerland
Laila Grillo, Agricultural intern
Blind Laila Grillo compared two floor slabs located directly next to each other without knowing their identity: one made from conventional concrete and another made from Pneumatit®-concrete.
The plates treated with Pneumatit radiate a very special energy. You can tell that it’s not just “ordinary” concrete. There is something else involved, that special something that this Pneumatit evokes. You feel light, more buoyant than usual, as if you were walking across a green summer meadow. The concrete is more lively than normal concrete.
January 2013, Flaach, Switzerland
On the occasion of another internship, Ms. Grillo experienced for the first time the milking parlor of the agricultural farm Gut Rheinau refined with Pneumatit® several months later:
It was one morning when I was working in the milking parlor. Since there was no cow to attach at that moment, I stood with my back to the cows and suddenly had the impression that I wasn’t standing in a dark, narrow space like a milking parlor at all. The milking parlor had more of an aura of a large, bright room where you feel comfortable and where it’s easy to work well.Even when the room is empty – meaning no cows are present – it appears spacious and cozy; unlike other milking parlors which sometimes have something constricting or routine about them.
July 2013, Rheinau, Switzerland
Anke Rödelberger-Taurinus, Teacher
My son-in-law had planned to build a stable for animals, horses and goats, where they could live in a lively building material. When everything was approved and the concrete mixers were ready, he urged me to touch a white glass bottle filled with a clear liquid while I was preparing breakfast and tell him if I would experience anything. I thought it was water. But after a very short time, I clearly experienced a strong vortex and at the same time movement of contraction and expansion. This amazed me, so I kept my hands on the bottle longer than intended, removed them after some time only to put them back again; experiencing the same thing.
At some point I asked: “What is this?” My son-in-law replied that it was a liquid to make concrete come alive. He now had to potentiate a certain amount on D5 level and then pour it into the concrete mixer with water.
Later he came back with the potentiated liquid: again vortex activity while simultaneously expanding and contracting.
The manure channel and floor were poured. Now I should check what the concrete would show. This time for me, experiencing movements took slightly longer waiting period; however, once they started occurring – I felt slower but powerful vortex movement.
I tested the wall on north side only when concrete dried up; almost one year later in July 2012 – went through stable again checking various places . For me waiting period seemed even longer but eventually movements worked their way through as if struggling through solid matter . The result always being life-movement form of vortex along simultaneous expansion contraction like breathing .
August 2012, Dachsberg, Germany
Conni Stüssi, Theater woman; managing director of Fahr.Werk.! The rolling theater workshop
External link www.fahrwerk-oe.ch
Months ago, Stüssi was invited without further information to sense differences between two large concrete slabs at Naturzentrum Thurauen near Flaach. She then provided this email report:
I was almost certain that I would NOT feel any difference. Because: I don’t even feel the high-voltage power line passing above me, and I sleep divinely under it for a whole winter. And the stone in my shoe and the lump in my sock don’t bother me over long distances either. However, I greatly appreciate walking on forest ground. And when after a hike, the path continues for another 2 kilometers along the road to the next post bus stop, I always press myself onto the narrow green overgrowth strip…
And then there’s this experience of standing on this concrete surface and feeling the softness of forest ground beneath my feet. Truly fascinating. Switching back and forth between them…and always sensing it. No idea what it really is—just perceiving something alive, soft, and resonant beneath me.
February 2012, auf Station in Rheinau, Switzerland
Martin Ott, Farmer Gut Rheinau GmbH, president Research Institute for Organic Agriculture, author
After four years of living and working on floors and in buildings treated with Pneumatit, I am very familiar with the basic feeling conveyed by the preparation. It has become a familiar impression to me, which I sometimes perceive again as if it were new – just like many other things that one has become accustomed to and therefore experiences consciously or unconsciously: a dear person, a beautiful cow, a sunrise, clouds, forest edge and nature in general. When I am occupied with other things while milking or working, Pneumatit works more unconsciously like a positive basic feeling of harmony and balance. This can lead to enjoying one’s work more, being balanced and invigorated, being able to concentrate more on the essentials. For example, in our new apartment built with Pneumatit, I have clearly regained my joy for playing the piano. When I consciously perceive Pneumatit, I experience it like the feeling of a promising spring wind that carries within itself an expansive future and enables things such as growth development; naturally connectedness with everything in sensitive harmony – without pressure; bubbling up; invigorating. A soothing coolness that carries you while simultaneously liberating you. Physically most comparable to the balance on the second fever-free morning after having had flu when you realize: health is not just absence of illness but an active force within oneself. This also leads to certain feelings of happiness and gratitude which can be experienced through words such as “Beauty will save the world.”
November 2011, Rheinau, Switzerland
Maria-Luisa Steiger, Shiatsu therapist
The Steiger couple built a visible concrete single-family home.
I experience a vastness and softness throughout the entire space, not just in the floor. I feel that it creates a good atmosphere, more open, permeable, breathable, with a pleasant climate – an excellent place to live. The sensation of standing is particularly impressive: being entirely present and grounded. Even on the first floor, there is a sense of permeability all the way down to the earth. Pneumatit is a luxury! It brings well-being and ultimately health.
September 2011, Rheinau, Switzerland
Waldemar von Känel, Building Contractor
Von Känel, a successful building contractor, built two single-family homes in spring/summer 2011 not far from each other. In one of them, Pneumatit® was used at the request of the client; in the other one, it was not used. When Maria Luisa Steiger (see statement below), owner of one of the houses wanted to compare both floor slabs directly – which were identical except for Pneumatit® – von Känel spontaneously decided to try out the comparison himself.
Steiger advised him to stand relaxedly with concentration on his feet and possibly imagine that they had roots while being attentive to how he perceived the ground beneath him. If any feeling arose during this process he should “preserve” it.
Immediately after examining the first house – without discussing their impressions – they drove back to Steiger’s house for another examination session before von Känel expressed that although he would respect Steiger’s statements but was absolutely sure that he wouldn’t feel anything himself at all during this second examination session . Then they separated into individual rooms for independent perception exercises . After only a short time von Känel came out of his room exclaiming:
It blows me away! I can hardly believe it, but this floor is completely different from the first one. Downstairs [in the first construction], it seemed very hard and felt harder over time. Here, it feels like I’m standing and walking on a soft insulation. It feels spacious and light. It’s almost impossible that I, as a construction novice, can feel such a difference!
Von Känel applied Pneumatit® to his own house several months later.
September 2011, Rheinau, Switzerland
Felix Schellenberg, Rancher
External link pasturetoplate.ca
For us, the animals were the most important thing. And now they obviously have no problem walking over the concrete into the slaughterhouse and – even over a step – to get to the killing point. The crew is also happy, and there is a good relationship among them. During concreting, we kept seeing animals: bears, coyotes, two eagles. This corresponded to what José Martinez had said in advance: The wildlife would observe what was happening.
September 2010, Redstone (British Columbia), Canada
Florian Weihrauch, Truck mechanic / Psychiatric nurse
When I was still working in a new building of the Rheinau Psychiatric Center, my knee and foot joints would ache on the concrete floors within a very short time. Then I changed jobs and worked in the cowshed of the Fintan Foundation, which was built around the same time. I noticed that I also spent a long time walking on concrete floors here, but without any discomfort. Every now and then, I would walk barefoot on the concrete, which somehow felt soft to me or at least not really hard. After a while, I asked one of my colleagues why this concrete seemed softer and if anything had been done to it. He then told me about Pneumatit®, a product that I had never heard of before.
August 2010, Rheinau, Switzerland
Konstanze Brefin Alt, Editor
Excerpt from “The Fintan Project in Rheinau. A vibrant community”, in: Communications of the Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland, June 2008
For the stable, for example, a preparation was developed that neutralizes the impairing effects of concrete on vital forces (…) – until a floor could be poured that feels pleasant to the touch. In the milking parlor, I finally stood – somewhat astonished – on red concrete that conveyed “forest floor” to my feet while my hands, as I bent down to make sure, felt the cold and hardness of the concrete.