As a color designer in the exterior and interior field with long experience with various building materials, I have experienced the beneficial effect of Pneumatit, in contrast to conventional concrete. This innovative concrete has a completely different “radiance” compared to the usual. Anyone with open senses can perceive this, even without expert knowledge, without particularly pronounced sensitivity and quite spontaneously. This is how our team of painters felt when we had to design six new houses in terms of color on Gempen in Switzerland in summer 2015. In each house, we had a material room where everything could be stored and locked away. One of these rooms was noticeably lighter, warmer, more “atmospheric” than all the others. So we liked setting up there and also preferred spending our breaks there. However, I experienced one wall in this room as cold and repelling; no contact was made with it. It was only later that it turned out that this house was built from concrete with the addition of Pneumatit – except for this one wall, which had already been poured at the beginning of construction before the owners decided to use Pneumatit. Thus I can confirm from my own immediate experience the positive, pleasant and harmonizing effect of concrete enriched with Pneumatit. Since for many years I have had to endure the coldness and energy-draining effect of conventional concrete during my work, I would like to draw attention to this significant improvement on classic building material concrete and much more pleasant indoor climate provided by houses built using Pneumatit-enhanced materials . This material should ideally be used in every new construction.