Automatisch gespeicherter Entwurf

For the new barn, we brought two herds of cows together, around a hundred cows in total. From their experience, professional colleagues predicted that we would have to lead the animals individually by halter into the barn and into the boxes. But that wasn’t the case, and on the very first evening all the animals…

It was my first encounter with Pneumatit. When I entered the building, I was initially amazed by the proportions of the interior: the corridors, staircase and rooms. Then I realized that it wasn’t just the proportions that impressed me. You can’t achieve the quality of consistency and harmony with proportions alone. The rooms “breathed” and…

I had never before realised what impression concrete makes on me. But in the car park of the Dahlienstrasse housing estate, I immediately felt a downward pressure in my head, especially on my forehead and above my eyes. It spread to my upper arms and throughout my full body. My chest felt tight and oppressed,…

Whenever I can, I’ve been walking barefoot for many years. When I’m on concrete, I can always feel how it draws the warmth out of my feet. It’s the same in my workshop. I have to go somewhere warmer from time to time to regenerate. I’m also always barefoot on our building site – the…

On entering the construction site, I first noticed that the concrete floor did not feel cold but warm, and did not cause the heaviness and fatigue that I usually feel on concrete. Then, also unusual, the cheerful faces of the workers. They were concentrating on their work and joking at the same time! I know…

Automatisch gespeicherter Entwurf

When we first heard about Pneumatit, we were both skeptical and fascinated. We wanted to experience it for ourselves. A week later, we went with Markus Sieber to a backyard on the company premises where an asphalted driveway and a concreted storage area lay before us. We had never consciously felt into a material before…

The surfaces of the concreted reinforced concrete felt softer, warm and radiated positively. The typically cold, hard, pulling, draining, radiesthetically left-spinning quality of concrete is not only neutralized, but even transformed, turned into a positive: warm, recharging, soft, right-spinning. Because this concrete space is located deep underground, a heavy, pressing quality would have been expected,…

Even the basement feels alive, pleasant, soothing, and not like being below but above ground. There is no feeling of being in a cellar at all; on the contrary: We use this floor for other purposes, but I could live here comfortably. If it were a normal concrete box, it would drag you down. It…

While visiting the stable in Rheinau, it was interesting to feel a sensation of warmth from the concrete floor up to about halfway up my thighs, even though the weather was cold. And even the milking parlor – empty, damp, cold – was not uncomfortable. In the technical room of the Sativa building, located 10…

Today, I would like to share with you some photos of our new building. This is simply to let you know what has become of our decision back then to use Pneumatit in a very quick action. I am very grateful for your support in the fast delivery and for establishing contact with the construction…